2 HP Rumsey Sideshaft,

mfg. Friendship, NY

This beautiful little side shaft engine belongs to the Coolspring Power Museum. I adopted this engine in the fall of 1996 at the October show for restoration. This is my way of contributing to the museum. It was built between 1908 and 1911 in Friendship, NY. The engine has a beautiful vertical flyball governor and full base. If you notice on the mixer it is dual fuel and will run on either gas or gasoline. I have had a lot of fun restoring this engine and am going to hate to return it to the museum. I have made quite a few new parts for the Rumsey because of the ware, nothing was really broken. I hope you enjoy the photos of the Rumsey....

Check out this Rumsey invoice from 1898 that Dave Reed sent me. Thanks Dave!

Here are some pictures of the Rumsey after the primer and paint have been applied. Also the pictures so the assembly of the side shaft, flywheels, head, etc....

These photos are of the finished project....

Rumsey Engine Rumsey Engine Rumsey Engine Rumsey Engine

Here is a photo of the 2 HP Rumsey on display at the Coolspring Power Museum in the Founders building...

Rumsey Engine

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